Wat is EISA?
De Extended Industry Standard Architecture (meestal afgekort tot EISA) is een busstandaard voor IBM PC’s en compatibele systemen. EISA is een uitbreiding op de Industry Standard Architecture (ISA)-busarchitectuur en werd ontwikkeld als tegenhanger van de Microchannel Architecture (MCA)-bus van IBM.
Hoe werkt een esb?
Een ESB handelt de transformatie van gegevens tussen aanvrager en aanbieder af. Een ESB orkestreert de afhandeling van aanvragen en het doorsturen naar aanbieders. Een ESB monitort de serviceaanvragen en rapporteert over het gebruik van aanvragen. Een ESB zorgt voor beveiliging van het transport.
What is bus structure in computer?
Bus structures in computer plays important role in connecting the internal components of the computer. The bus in the computer is the shared transmission medium. This means multiple components or devices use the same bus structure to transmit the information signals to each other.
What are the components of bus?
•The bus is not only cable connection but also hardware (bus architecture), protocol, software, and bus controller 5 Internal & External Bus Memory & I/O bus 6 Bus Communication Protocols- I/O read operation Clock c d e f g h Address placed on the bus Wait Wait Data availability ensured Address Data Wait CLK c d e f g h i j k
What is MCA bus in computer architecture?
• Short for Micro Channel Architecture, MCA was introduced by IBM in 1987, The MCA bus offered several additional features over the ISA such as a 32-bit bus. •The MCA BUS never became widely used and has since been fazed out of the desktop computers.
What is the difference between data bus and address bus?
The data bus lines are bidirectional. • Many devices in a system will have their outputs connected to the data bus, but only one device at a time will have its outputs enabled. • Any device connected on the data bus must have three-state outputs so that its outputs can be disabled when it is not being used to put data on the bus. Address Bus