Wat is koud wit licht?
Koud wit licht (hoge Kelvin-waarde, vanaf ±4500 K): Koel wit licht zorgt voor een energieke en actieve atmosfeer; ideaal om bij te werken. Voor verlichting in huis is een kleurtemperatuur tussen de 2700K en 3000K de meest populaire keuze.
Wat is extra warm wit licht?
Warm wit licht is een lichtkleur van 3000 Kelvin, dat vergelijkbaar is met de gelige lichtkleur van een halogeen lamp. De lichtkleur van een gloeilamp is vergelijkbaar met 2700 Kelvin. Deze lichttemperatuur wordt extra warm wit genoemd.
What’s the difference between 6500K and 5000K?
There is a lot of difference between 5000k and 6500k. Many ‘houseplants’ will fry under 6500k (ie, Phalaenopsis) but be very happy under 5000k. The spider plant, on the other hand, might like more light. Thanks for the responses everyone! How come phals will fry under 6500k but not 5000k If both bulbs are the same watts?
What is the difference between 5000K and 5500K LED lights?
5000K: Natural white: This light color can be compared to the sunlight at noon. Natural white LED color looks neutral to warm, and does not have that shade of blue. This light appears the brightest to the human eye, as it does not contain that blue undertone. 5500K : Pure white: This color is 100% neutral and does not contain yellow or blue tint.
Is 5000K the same as 6500K natural daylight?
For example, 5000K is a common color temperature considered “cool” – but not appear the same as 6500K natural daylight. We hope you enjoyed our 4-point guide on 6500K daylight white LED bulbs.
What does 5000K mean?
5000K is approximately “soft daylight” and it’s the standard used to match prints to slides to “reality.” “Daylight” film is optimized for approx 5000K, morning light from your window is probably about 5000K, “daylight” fluorescent lights try to approximate 5000K, and traditional photographic color labs use 5000K slide and print viewing systems.