Hoeveel ampere is 11kw?

Hoeveel ampère is 11kw?

Laadkabels met een vermogen van 11 kW (3 fase, 16 ampère)

Hoeveel ampère is 30kw?

Technische specificaties
Vermogen 30 kW
Toerental 1480 TPM
Voltage 400/690 Volt – 3 fase – 50 Hz
Amperage 56,8 Ampere bij 400 Volt

Hoeveel ampère is 37 kW?

Technische specificaties
Vermogen 0,37 kW
Toerental 1370 TPM
Voltage 230/400 Volt – 3 fase – 50 Hz
Amperage 1,03 Ampere bij 400 Volt

Hoeveel ampère is 9 kW?

Welk metervermogen (in kVA) voor welke intensiteit (ampère)?

Ampère Vermogen in 230 V eenfasig (in kVA) Vermogen in 230 V driefasig (in kVA)
20 4,6 8
25 5,8 10
32 7,4 12,7
40 9,2 15,9

What is 1 ampere in Ma?

1 ampere is equal to 1000 mA, or 1 ampere. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between milliamperes and amperes. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units! Want other units? You can do the reverse unit conversion from ampere to mA, or enter any two units below:

How many amperes are in 1 milliampere?

So 1 milliampere = 10-3 ampere. ›› Definition: Amp In physics, the ampere (symbol: A, often informally abbreviated to amp) is the SI base unit used to measure electrical currents.

How many AMPS is 120 volts?

Voltage (V) Power (W) 0.1 amps. 120 volts. 12 watts. 0.2 amps. 120 volts. 24 watts. 0.3 amps.

What is the definition of ampere?

Definition: Amp. In physics, the ampere (symbol: A, often informally abbreviated to amp) is the SI base unit used to measure electrical currents. The present definition, adopted by the 9th CGPM in 1948 is: “one ampere is that constant current which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length,…
