Wat is een transactioneel leiderschap?

Wat is een transactioneel leiderschap?

Transactioneel leiderschap is het tegenovergestelde van transformationeel leiderschap. Transformationele leiders proberen personeel te motiveren en te coachen om bepaalde doelen te behalen, terwijl transactioneel leiderschap vertrouwt op medewerkers die zichzelf motiveren.

Wat is transformationeel?

Veranderingen gaan snel en vinden meestal hun oorzaak in innovatie, technologie en economie. Daardoor verandert de inrichting van de organisatie, toepassing van middelen als ICT en telefonie en de organisatiecultuur. Een dergelijke verandering wordt ook wel aangeduid met transformatie.

What is transactional versus transformational leadership?

Transactional versus transformational leadership refers to two different styles of leadership that are opposites of one another. Many leaders fall under either of these two categories. Each one is best suited for different situations and people, making it important that you choose the right one based on your circumstances.

Is transactional leadership the best way to lead?

Transactional Leadership: While it’s the best approach for maximizing operational efficiency, transactional leadership can fall short in the areas of innovation, long-term strategy creation and employee development.

What is an example of transformational leadership?

A great example of a transformational leader is an entrepreneur starting their own business. Since there are no current guidelines in place, and the entrepreneur doesn’t know the best way forward, they will encourage their new hires to innovate.

How to make your organization more receptive to transformational leadership?

An agile organization, for example, will be more receptive to transformational leadership than a company that is more rigid. Allow leaders to choose the style that suits them. Each leader has their own personality and their own way of managing others.