Wat betekent Wgk 1?
Wgk definities Wassergefährdungsklasse of waterbezwaarlijkheid. Duitse gevaarklasse voor water: NWG im Allgemeinen nicht wassergefährdend. WGK 1 schwach wassergefährdend. WGK 2 wassergefährdend.
Is Zilveroxide giftig?
Zilveroxide is bij inslikken schadelijk voor de gezondheid en irriteert bovendien de ogen, ademhalingsorganen en de huid. Gevaarlijker is bijvoorbeeld zilvernitraat, dat een sterk oxiderende werking heeft. Zo leidt het tot invretingen en na orale opname tot braken, duizeligheid en diarree.
What is the name of the compound with formula LiCl?
Lithium Chloride is a white solid hygroscopic soluble in water, alcohol and ether. The chemical formula for lithium chloride is LiCl. It is made by the action of hydrochloric acid on lithium hydroxide. The resulting solution is evaporated to get a mixture of saturated solution and lithium chloride crystals.
What is LiCl used for in everyday life?
LiCl is also used as a brazing flux for aluminium in automobile parts. It is used as a desiccant for drying air streams. In more specialized applications, lithium chloride finds some use in organic synthesis, e.g., as an additive in the Stille reaction.
Does LiCl dissolve in organic solvents?
LiCl has a lower melting point than NaCl (as LiCl has a covalent character according to Fagan’s rule, whereas a strong ionic bond holds NaCl ). Thus, the first option is correct. Covalent molecules dissolve in polar organic solvents, whereas ionic molecules do not. Hence, LiCl dissolves in organic solvents, but NaCl does not.
How do you find the concentration of LiCl in solution?
The equilibrium LiCl concentration in the resulting solution is directly related to the relative humidity of the air. The percent relative humidity at 25 °C (77 °F) can be estimated, with minimal error in the range 10–30 °C (50–86 °F), from the following first-order equation: RH=107.93-2.11C, where C is solution LiCl concentration, percent by mass.