Van wie is het IGDI-model?

Van wie is het IGDI-model?

De leraren geven nu spellingles met behulp van het IGDI-model, ontwikkeld door CPS. IGDI staat voor Interactief Gedifferentieerd model voor Directe Instructie. Interactie en differentiatie zijn daarin toegevoegd als vaste elementen in de dagelijkse instructie.

Wat is een ADI model?

ADI staat voor Activerende Directe Instructie. Net als bij andere directe instructiemodellen legt een leraar bij ADI de stof uit en doet het voor, waarna leerlingen de kans krijgen samen met de leraar en elkaar te oefenen.

What is D-Direct Instruction?

Direct instruction is a teacher-directed teaching method. This means that the teacher stands in front of a classroom, and presents the information. The teachers give explicit, guided instructions to the students. So, isn’t that how everything has always been taught in a classroom?

When is direct instruction the best?

This means there are times when direct instruction is the most appropriate and times when another form of instruction, like class discussions or hands-on activities, are better suited to what is being taught. Direct instruction is best-suited for teaching small chunks of information.

Is direct instruction just a boring teaching strategy?

Others will consider this method as an opportunity to teach more effectively, as they know now direct instruction is not just a boring teaching strategy. Looking for more interactive teaching strategies? Check out this post with 20 interactive teaching activities.

Who is the founder of direct instruction?

It should be noted that the term direct instruction is used in various proprietary or trademarked instructional models that have been developed and promoted by educators, including—most prominently— Direct Instruction , created by Siegfried Engelmann and Wesley Becker, which is a “explicit, carefully sequenced and scripted model