Wie is de grote baas van Squid Game?

Wie is de grote baas van Squid Game?

Hwang Dong-hyuk woonde bij zijn moeder en grootmoeder toen hij meer dan tien jaar geleden aan het scenario van ‘Squid game’ – dat oorspronkelijk de titel ‘Round six’ kreeg – begon te schrijven.

Wat zit er achter Squid Game?

De negen afleveringen tellende serie, met Lee Jung-jae, Park Hae-soo en Jung Ho-yeon in de hoofdrollen, vertelt het verhaal van een groep mensen die hun leven wagen in een mysterieus overlevingsspel, waarmee er 45,6 miljard won (ruwweg 33 miljoen euro) gewonnen kan worden.

Hoe noemt de baas van Squid Game?

Lee Jung-jae (‘Chief of Staff’) en Park Hae-soo (‘Prison Playbook’) moeten een gewelddadige morele beproeving doorstaan.

What is the fan theories wiki?

The Fan Theories Wiki is a database for popular theories about any type of media — films, television shows, books, video games, and music. This wiki is not a place for fans of various creative works to post their own theories and speculation all willy-nilly.

What is/R/fantheories?

Welcome to /r/FanTheories! This is a place for fans of various creative works to share theories, interpretations and speculation related to that particular creative work. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Moderator list hidden. Learn More Reddit Inc © 2022 . All rights reserved

Is this wiki for fans of various creative works?

This wiki is not a place for fans of various creative works to post their own theories and speculation all willy-nilly. It is only for well-known and supported theories, so you won’t find any cliches like “____ is a Time Lord” or “It Was All a Dying Dream”.

What is the fan theory in Reservoir Dogs?

Reservoir Dogs (1992) The fan theory: The bank heist takes place on the same day that Jules and Vincent play out their story in Pulp Fiction. Why it’s mind-blowing: It would explain why the hitmen are able to drive a blood-soaked car through a busy city without encountering any police-based trouble. The boys in blue are clearly busy elsewhere.