Wat betekent Mediastinaal?
Het mediastinum is een anatomisch gebied in het midden van de borstkas (thorax), tussen de twee longen. Het biedt plaats aan het hart, aan verschillende bloedvaten, vitale organen (luchtpijp, slokdarm,…) en lymfeknopen.
Wat is Thymusweefsel?
Na onze geboorte speelt de thymus een belangrijke rol bij het aanmaken van een goed afweersysteem. De thymus traint het lichaam om de rest van ons leven goed te kunnen reageren op vreemde cellen. Rond onze puberteit is deze training bijna afgelopen. Hierna zal het thymusweefsel afnemen en verdwijnen in vetweefsel.
What is the mediastinum and what does it contain?
It contains the heart and great vessels, the thymus, the esophagus, the trachea and main bronchi, lymph nodes, and mediastinal pleural reflections, as well as the vagus and phrenic nerves. On the lateral thoracic radiographs, the mediastinum is divided into the anterior, middle, and posterior compartments ( Fig. 1.161a ).
How is the location of a mediastinal mass determined?
The age of an individual and the location of a mediastinal mass are important in considering a diagnosis. In children, mediastinal masses occur most often in the posterior mediastinum and are often benign (non-cancerous.) In contrast, mediastinal masses in adults are more common in the anterior mediastinum, and often malignant (cancerous.)
What is a rare mediastinal mass?
Germ cell: A rare mediastinal mass is a germ cell a tumor. They are very rare. They are usually benign (60 to 70%) and are found in both males and females. Thyroid mass: substernal goiter remains a significant consideration in the differential diagnosis of mediastinal masses, particularly those located in the anterior mediastinum.
What is the difference between pneumomediastinum and mediastinitis?
Pneumomediastinum refers to the presence of air in the mediastinum, most commonly related to the collapse of a lung (pneumothorax.) Mediastinitis is a term referring to an infection involving the mediastinum. Mediastinitis is a life-threatening condition that most often develops after cardiac surgery.