Hoe werkt een Juul?
Een e sigaret werkt op batterijen en verdampt vloeistof (e-liquid) waar nicotine of nicotine vrije vloeistof inzit. Het heeft als doel een soortgelijk gevoel te geven zoals bekend van de traditionele sigaret, alleen word er hier geen rook meer ingeademd maar een waterdamp.
Hoe moet je Vapen?
Wanneer je de fire button van de e-sigaret indrukt zal de batterij een bepaalde wattage afgeven naar de coil. Hierdoor wordt het gloeispiraal in de coil verwarmt. Daarna zal de vloeistof in de coil gaan verdampen, welke wordt geïnhaleerd door de gebruiker van de e-sigaret.
What is the difference between Blu and Juul?
Blu – Blu, on the other hand, does A TON of flavors, ranging from tobacco right down to dessert and more complex fruit flavors. Its pods are also larger and cheaper than JUUL’s which means the Blu not only has more flavor options but also delivers better value for money.
What is the difference between Juul and myblu pods?
The Blu has more power, strictly speaking, at 10.5 watts compared to the JUUL’s 8 watts. Battery capacity is 350mAh and 200mAh, respectively, for myblu and JUUL. Another difference is that myblu pods have lower resistance 1.3ohm coil pods than the 1.8 to 2.0ohm coil JUUL pods.
How much does a Juul cost?
JUUL – Considering all of the above, the JUUL isn’t very cheap. You’re looking at around $40 for a starter kit and that is VERY expensive, especially when there are far better, cheaper, 100% refillable alternatives available (like these awesome pod mod systems). Blu – The Blu, once again, delivers plenty of value for money.
Is the Bly e-cig better than the Juul?
It’s lightweight, slim, and extremely discreet. The Blu is also very simple to use. All you have to do is insert a pod and you’re away. Like the JUUL, the Bly e-cig is breath-activated, so there are no buttons. Winner? Draw – they’re both more or less the same in this regard.