Hoe krijg je veel vitamine B12 binnen?
Wie regelmatig dierlijke producten inneemt, zoals vlees, vis, eieren en zuivel, krijgt ruim voldoende vitamine B12 binnen. Ook wie vitaminesupplementen slikt, met daarin vitamine B12, krijgt meer dan voldoende vitamine B12 binnen.
Welke groenten zit vitamine B12?
In welke groenten en fruit zit B12? Vitamine B12 is niet te vinden in groente en fruit. Er is, vooral bij veganisten, regelmatig interesse naar bronnen van B12 die niet te maken hebben met dierlijke voeding zoals eieren, vlees, vis of kip.
Is sublingual vitamin B12 better than oral B12?
The results were that sublingual was absolutely no better than oral B12 at raising vitamin B12 levels or improving B12 activity (as measured by homocysteine and methylmalonic acid levels). The report did not specifically state whether the tablets were chewed or not (I assume that they were swallowed whole).
Should vitamin B12 tablets be dissolved under the tongue?
It is always explicitly recommended that Vitamin B12 tablets should be dissolved under the tongue (aka “sublingual”). I wonder if that is also true for other minerals and vitamins of special concern to vegetarians, such as iron and vitamin D2? If not, why is this the case with vitamin B12?
Who are the B12 tablets made for?
The sublingual tablets are made for people with B12 deficiencies caused by genetic or health factors (and subsequent disability to produce intrinsic factor via loss of gastric parietal cells).
Should I look for B12 with methylcobalamin instead of cyanocobalamin?
A few months ago, an acquaintance who learned of this and also must take B12 told me I should be very careful to look for B12 with Methylcobalamin rather than Cyanocobalamin so as to truly get the benefit. This week my travels got extended so I had to stop at a drug store to have enough supplies to make it through the rest of the stay.