Waar is Fuller House opgenomen?

Waar is Fuller House opgenomen?

De serie werd namelijk opgenomen in Burbank, Californië. Hier, op de set, werd het interieur neergezet (de kamers die we van de serie kennen). Het oorspronkelijke ‘Full House’-huis daarentegen stond elders. Je vindt het ‘Full House’-huis nog steeds op 1709 Broderick Street, San Francisco, waar het in 1883 gebouwd is.

Waar kan ik gratis Full House kijken?


  • Videoland.
  • Nieuw op Videoland.

Waar gaat Fuller House over?

In Fuller House staat de oudste dochter van de familie Tanner, DJ, centraal. DJ is ondertussen dierenarts. Ze is onlangs weduwe geworden en blijft achter met drie kinderen. Ze roept de hulp in van haar zus Stephanie, die ondertussen muzikante is geworden in navolging van haar oom Jesse.

Who is Pamela Tanner?

Who is Pamela Tanner? Who is Pamela Tanner? Do you like this video? Pamela Nicole Tanner (née Katsopolis) (March 5, 1958 – May 12, 1987) was the wife of Danny Tanner, and the mother of D.J., Stephanie, and Michelle Tanner.

Who is Danny Tanner’s wife Pam?

Pamela Jo Margaret Tanner (née Katsopolis) (March 5, 1958 – May 12, 1987) was the wife of Danny Tanner, and the mother of D.J., Stephanie, and Michelle Tanner. She was also the daughter of Nick and Irene Katsopolis, and the big sister of Jesse Katsopolis .

Who is Pam Katsopolis-Tanner?

Pamela “Pam” Katsopolis-Tanner (March 5, 1958 – May 12, 1987), was the wife of Danny Tanner, mother of D.J. , Stephanie and Michelle Tanner, and the grandmother of Jackson Fuller, Max Fuller, Tommy Fuller Jr, and Stephanie and Jimmy’s Baby. She was also the daughter of Nick and Irene Katsopolis, and the big sister of Jesse Katsopolis.

Why does Jesse move in with the Tanner family?

Shortly after her death, Pam’s younger brother, Jesse, moves into the house to help his brother-in-law, Danny, raise his three nieces. He is the one who seems to miss her the most, which is one of the reasons why living with the Tanner family means so much to him.