Wat is een webinar via Zoom?

Wat is een webinar via Zoom?

Zoom, te vinden op de website Zoom.us, is software van Amerikaanse makelij waarmee je online meetings kunt houden en webinars kunt organiseren. Via Zoom kun je met zijn tweeën online bijeenkomen, maar ook met veel grotere groepen tot wel honderden mensen.

Hoe werkt whiteboard in Zoom?

Hoe gebruik je een whiteboard in Zoom?

  1. Klik onderin op Share.
  2. Klik op optie 2: Whiteboard.
  3. Nu kun je aan de slag. Je kan onderin rechst op het plusje klikken om nieuwe borden aan te maken.
  4. Klaar? Klik op Stop sharing.

How do I view the audio from a zoom webinar?

You must have the Zoom app open to view the webinar. View Full Transcript: View a live transcript of the webinar audio. Disconnect Audio: Disconnect your device’s audio from the webinar. Click Join Audio to reconnect your audio. Leave: Tap Leave to leave the webinar at any time.

Can I minimize the webinar to a floating thumbnail window?

Note: You cannot minimize the webinar to a floating thumbnail window outside of the Zoom app. You must have the Zoom app open to view the webinar. View Full Transcript: View a live transcript of the webinar audio. Disconnect Audio: Disconnect your device’s audio from the webinar. Click Join Audio to reconnect your audio.

How do I record a webinar or Zoom call with Snagit?

When recording a Webinar, Zoom call, or Skype conversation, Snagit is not recording my microphone or audio from the other speaker. Solution To record both sides of the conversation, please follow the steps below: Open the Windows Control Panel. Click the Soundcategory. Click the Playbacktab.

How secure are video webinars?

Zoom Video Webinars are: Secure: Require anyone who joins to use a passcode or authenticate. Deny and block attendees. Lock the webinar to prevent other attendees from joining after it starts. Simple: The intuitive design fuels quick adoption for hosts as well as attendees with easy-to-use and manageable controls.