Wat doet de app Keynote?

Wat doet de app Keynote?

Gebruik Keynote om uw presentatie af te spelen via internet, zodat iedereen deze op hetzelfde moment kan bekijken op zijn of haar eigen apparaat, ongeacht waar hij of zij is.

Hoe maak ik een Keynote presentatie?

Al u een Keynote-presentatie wilt aanmaken, kiest u eerst een thema of maakt u een overzicht aan. Thema’s bevatten vooraf ontworpen dialay-outs, die u als uitgangspunt voor uw presentatie kunt gebruiken. Tik in de presentatieweergave op de knop ‘Nieuwe presentatie’ bovenaan het scherm.

Wat betekent keynote spreker?

centrale spreker. centrale spreker op een congres e.d., die het centrale thema van de bijeenkomst aangeeft.

What is keynote app for iPhone?

Keynote is a presentation-creation app for your iPhone that can be used by students, professionals, and anyone who needs to make a slideshow. The Keynote app comes preloaded on your iPhone, and can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store if you delete it.

What is keynote and how do I get Started?

Learn how to get up and running with Keynote and get your presentation started. Lauded for its simplicity, Keynote is a cross-platform and collaborative way to build a presentation. Need Help?

What are the features of keynote?

Here are a few of the features that are packed into Keynote software: Simplicity in design, so you can make a presentation more easily. Packed with powerful features you need to craft a quality presentation. Easy-to-use visual tools, such as drag-and-drop functions. Animation options to add subtle effects and cinema-quality transitions.

What can I do with keynote tools?

Easy-to-use tools let you add tables, charts, shapes, photos, and videos to slides—and bring it all to life with cinematic animations and transitions that look as though they were created by your own special effects team. Use Keynote Live to present a slideshow that viewers can follow from their Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and from iCloud.com.