Wat is er gebeurt met Caleb Leblanc?

Wat is er gebeurt met Caleb Leblanc?

Over de doodsoorzaak is niets geweten. Zijn familie verklaarde dat Caleb een natuurlijke dood is gestorven. “Het gemis is niet te beschrijven”, klonk het op Instagram. “Zijn ongemeen grappige, liefdevolle en prachtige ziel liet ons allemaal verliefd op hem worden, als YouTuber en als vriend.”

Hoe is Caleb dood gegaan?

Op het einde van de video zei hij: ,,Tot morgen.” Zover is het nooit gekomen: Caleb overleed de dag nadat de familie de video maakte. Op sociale media laat zijn familie weten dat Caleb een natuurlijke dood is gestorven.

Waaraan is Caleb Leblanc overleden?

Hypertrofische obstructieve cardiomyopathieCaleb LeBlanc / Doodsoorzaak

Hoe oud is Caleb Leblanc?

13 jaar (2002–2015)Caleb LeBlanc / Leeftijd bij overlijden

Who is the Bratayley family?

THE BRATAYLEY FAMILY : CELEBRATE LIFE. We are Bratayley – a fun loving somewhat crazy family who loves to share our lives with you. Starting off as sharing a few of Annie’s gymnastics videos with dad while he was away with the military, we began to realize that it wasn’t just dad watching. We realized that we loved filming videos…

How many subscribers does Bratayley have?

Their Bratayley YouTube channel has earned several accolades and over 7 million subscribers. A video called “I’m Never Going at the Park AGAIN! (WK 61)” was the first video on the channel to surpass 50 million views. Sisters Jules and Hayley LeBlanc went on to star in series such as Chicken Girls , Mani , Hotel Du Loone and Annie vs. Hayley .

Why “Bratayley”?

That’s how “Bratayley” started. We never dreamed where doing videos could take us and are eternally grateful for all our fans that watch us, meet us, and hang out with us when we go to events. We have built this website as a place to let everyone what we are up to, our social media accounts and learn a litte bit more about us.

Who was Caleb Bratayley and how did he die?

Thousands of fans mourned the unexpected death of Caleb “Bratayley,” made famous by his family’s YouTube stardom. First responders rushed to the family’s home on Oct. 1 to find Caleb suffering from an “unknown medical emergency,” and he passed away at the hospital.