Hoe lang blijft Gmail bewaard?

Hoe lang blijft Gmail bewaard?

Gmail heeft een bewaarbeleid waarmee berichten minimaal 30 dagen worden bewaard nadat het label ^deleted is toegepast. Dit beleid vervangt alle Vault-bewaarregels die gedurende die 30 dagen verlopen.

Wat kan ik met Google Workspace?

Wie namelijk met Google Workspace werkt, kent meestal de weg in programma’s als documenten, spreadsheets, Drive en Gmail. Bij het afnemen van Google Workspace krijg je direct toegang tot alle onderliggende diensten. Je kunt bijvoorbeeld meteen beginnen met het koppelen van je Gmail met je zakelijke e-mailadres.

What is Google workspace and how does it work?

Google is announcing a big rebranding and redesign for its suite of office apps today, rebranding G Suite with a new name: Google Workspace. Along with the new branding for the product that encompasses Gmail, Docs, Meet, Sheets, and Calendar are new features designed to make all those products feel like they’re more integrated with one another.

What is G Suite workspace?

What Was G Suite? Originally launched in 2006 as “Google Apps for Your Domain,” G Suite was Workspace’s predecessor as the search giant’s productivity hub. Besides document editors like Docs, Sheets and Slides, it offered users email services through Gmail, plus other communication tools such as Google Chat, Meet and Hangouts.

Can I import my old emails into Google workspace?

Yes. Google Workspace migration tools are available for importing your old emails from legacy environments such as Microsoft®, IBM® Notes®, and other email systems. For more information on the tools available for data migrations into Google Workspace, see Migrate your organization’s data to Google Workspace .

Can I have multiple email addresses in Google workspace?

Yes. A user can have multiple email addresses by creating email aliases such as support@yourcompany. You can add up to 30 email aliases for each user. Can I migrate my existing email to Google Workspace?