Waar staat bij Ubuntu de afkorting LTS voor en waarom is dat belangrijk?

Waar staat bij Ubuntu de afkorting LTS voor en waarom is dat belangrijk?

LTS staat voor de Engelstalige afkorting “Long Term Support”, in het Nederlands “Lange Termijn Ondersteuning”. Er is iedere zes maanden een nieuwe Ubuntu Desktop en Ubuntu Server-versie [schema hieronder]. Dat betekent dat u altijd de nieuwste en beste toepassingen heeft die de open source-wereld te bieden heeft.

Wat is Ubuntu LTS?

Dit is een Long Term Support, of “LTS” -release, wat betekent dat het wordt ondersteund met gratis beveiligings- en onderhoudsupdates gedurende vijf jaar vanaf de releasedatum. Aangezien Ubuntu 18.04 werd uitgebracht op 26 april 2018, ondersteunt Canonical dit met updates tot april 2023.

What is the LTS version of Ubuntu?

Every two years, in April, the LTS version is released. LTS releases are considered the ‘enterprise-grade’ releases. They are typically used for production servers that need security and reliability, like web hosts. The last LTS release was in 2020, Ubuntu 20.04. The other release in 2020, Ubuntu 20.10, would have been called an interim release.

What does LTS mean in software development?

What does LTS mean? LTS stands for long term support. Here, support means that throughout the lifetime of a release there is a commitment to update, patch and maintain the software. For an LTS, there is a shorter development cycle, where engineers and contributors add to the body of the release.

What is an example of an LTS release?

So as an example, release 18.04 was released in April of 2018. Every two years, in April, the LTS version is released. LTS releases are considered the ‘enterprise-grade’ releases. They are typically used for production servers that need security and reliability, like web hosts.

What is Jenkins Long-Term Support (LTS)?

This is called the Jenkins Long-Term Support release, or LTS. The concept is very similar to the LTS concepts in Ubuntu and our model is described below. Every 12 weeks, the community will pick one of the relatively recent releases by consensus and mark it as the baseline for the next “stable but older” release line. Let’s say this was version X.