Wat is de URL van Webex?
De URL van uw Webex-site is gemaakt met het e-mailadres dat u hebt gebruikt toen u zich hebt aangemeld voor een account. U kunt dit wijzigen als u uw naam bijvoorbeeld wilt verwijderen uit de URL en deze wilt wijzigen in een naam die beter past bij uw bedrijf.
Wat kost Webex?
Webex is beschikbaar in een gratis versie, een Starter-versie voor 12,85 euro per host per maand, een Plus-versie voor 17,30 euro per host per maand, en een Business-versie voor 25,65 euro per host per maand.
Does Cisco support video conferencing?
Cisco supports video conferencing to and from the desktop, mobile devices, and conference rooms to allow easier, more transparent interactions and consistent experiences. Affordable solutions provide superior scale and help enable any-to-any video through standards-based technology. Experience Better Video Conferencing
What is video conferencing and why is it important?
Video conferencing is becoming more important as a business tool as people work from more locations. Use video conferencing to bring people together, face-to-face, no matter where they are or what device they use. Collaboration solutions from Cisco provide video conferencing on any device, for any team, anywhere.
How many of your board meetings occur over Cisco video conferencing?
That’s not very sustainable, so we changed it. Now, 75% of our board meetings occur over Cisco video conferencing. ” Keep your teams happier, more productive, and more connected than ever before with powerful collaboration tools designed for the small business. Are you a Cisco partner?
What is the best video conferencing solution for my business?
Cisco supports video conferencing to and from the desktop, mobile devices, and conference rooms to allow easier, more transparent interactions and consistent experiences. Affordable solutions provide superior scale and help enable any-to-any video through standards-based technology.