Hoe zie je je snap score?
Je vindt je eigen score terug door linksboven op je avatar of Bitmoji te tikken. Onder het gele logo staat je naam en daaronder je score (zie foto 1). De score van je vrienden vind je terug door naar je vriendenlijst te gaan en te tikken op een willekeurige vriend en dan vriendschap bekijken (zie foto 2).
Hoe krijg ik mijn snap score omhoog?
Deze score is heel simpel uit te leggen: je krijgt een punt per verstuurde snap en je ontvangt een punt per geopende snap. Had ik je niet gezegd dat het simpel was? 🙂 Heel eenvoudig: zo veel mogelijk Snaps versturen en ontvangen. Dit mogen zowel foto’s als video’s zijn.
How do I receive points for sending snaps to people?
Each person you select will receive your snap when you tap the “Send” arrow again. The more people to whom you send snaps, the more often you’ll receive snaps that you can open back. Open unread snaps. You receive one point for every snap that you open.
How do I get more points on my Snapchat score?
Additional points to your Snapchat score may take a while to register and may all come at once. If you have not been active on Snapchat for a while, then the first Snap you send on the app will add six points to your score.
What is Snapchat score breakdown and how does it work?
What is the Snapchat score breakdown? Snapchat will give you points for sending and opening snaps (AP) You receive a point for sending a Snap, you receive a point for opening a Snap, but there are no points for just messaging on Snapchat. You also receive a point for posting a Snap to your story.
Does Snapchat give you points for sending and opening snaps?
Snapchat will give you points for sending and opening snaps (AP) You receive a point for sending a Snap, you receive a point for opening a Snap, but there are no points for just messaging on Snapchat. You also receive a point for posting a Snap to your story. Unfortunately, Snapchat scores do not increase if you watch a story.