Welke abonnementen Prime Video?

Welke abonnementen Prime Video?

Amazon Prime Video is de eerste 30 dagen gratis uit te proberen. Na deze 30 dagen betaal je slechts 2,99 euro per maand. Dit is een tijdelijke introductie prijs, want na zes maanden betaal je het standaard tarief van 5,99 euro per maand. In tegenstelling tot Netflix, is er slechts 1 soort abonnement beschikbaar.

Wat te zien bij Prime?

Naast The Grand Tour zijn dit populaire titels als Transparant, The Man in the High Castle, Fear the Walking Dead, Seinfeld en StartUp. Uiteraard zijn er ook veel films beschikbaar bij de streamingdienst, zoals The Godfather, Forrest Gump en andere bioscoopkrakers.

How much do you pay for Amazon Instant Video?

More important is that Amazon Instant Video also includes the option to rent or buy the free videos as well, if you want to take them on the go when you don’t have a reliable internet connection. Average price seems to be $12 to buy and $4 to rent (for 3 days) a new or newish movie release, and $10/$3 for the back catalog stuff.

What is the difference between Amazon Prime and Instant Video?

Their Amazon Prime is a membership perks package offered to subscriber who constantly shop on the site and have Kindle products. Amazon’s Instant Video is part of their Prime membership, but can also be used by all users who want to view movies, TV shows and more a la carte to buy or rent.

What is the resolution of Amazon Instant Video?

Both Amazon’s Prime and Instant Video can stream in HD when available and features a 720p resolution. Videos watched with Amazon Prime are only available for streaming, can’t be downloaded and only U.S. residents can access Amazon Prime. It isn’t available in Alaska or Hawaii.

What is the best way to watch Amazon Prime Instant Videos?

Watching Amazon Instant Videos is also pretty easy, since downloaded content can be streamed on a lot of the same devices as Prime, including watching online via your computer, your living room via Blu-ray players and set-top-boxes like Roku, Internet-connected TVs and devices like your PlayStation or Xbox 360,…