Hoe hebben Máxima en Alexander elkaar leren kennen?
Máxima Zorreguieta en toen nog prins Willem-Alexander ontmoetten elkaar tijdens een festijn in Sevilla, La Feria de Abril. Dit is een feestweek die van start gaat op Tweede Paasdag. Ze waren uitgenodigd door gemeenschappelijke vrienden. De allereerste ontmoeting liep niet bepaald vlekkeloos.
Wie heeft trouwjurk Máxima ontworpen?
Ontwerper trouwjurk Máxima Valentino Garavani, de oprichter van modehuis Valentino, kreeg de eer de trouwjurk van de toekomstige koningin te ontwerpen.
Hoe duur trouwjurk Máxima?
De trouwjurk van Máxima kostte zo’n 100.000 euro en is ontworpen door Valentino Couture in Rome.
What is maxima software?
Maxima (software) Maxima ( / ˈmæksɪmə /) is a computer algebra system (CAS) based on a 1982 version of Macsyma. It is written in Common Lisp and runs on all POSIX platforms such as macOS, Unix, BSD, and Linux, as well as under Microsoft Windows and Android. It is free software released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Is Maxima based on Macsyma?
Maxima is based on a 1982 version of Macsyma, which was developed at MIT with funding from the United States Department of Energy and other government agencies. A version of Macsyma was maintained by Bill Schelter from 1982 until his death in 2001.
What kind of calculations can be done with the Maxima system?
Numeric calculations. Maxima is a general-purpose system, and special-case calculations such as factorization of large numbers, manipulation of extremely large polynomials, etc. are sometimes better done in specialized systems.
What is the best open source GUI for maxima?
The GNU TeXmacs and LyX mathematical editor programs can be used to provide an interactive GUI for Maxima, as can SageMath. Other options include the Imaxima front end, as well as an Emacs and XEmacs interaction mode which is activated by Imaxima.