Hoeveel plastic is er in de natuur?
En het grootste deel daarvan is op vuilnishopen en in de natuur beland. Dat concluderen Amerikaanse onderzoekers. Ze berekenden hoeveel plastic er – sinds de productie van synthetische materialen in de jaren vijftig op gang kwam – is geproduceerd.
Hoeveel procent plastic in zee?
Onderzoekers schatten dat minder dan 1% van al het plastic in de oceaan aan het oceaan oppervlak drijft.
Hoeveel plastic wordt gerecycled in Nederland?
Momenteel recyclen we in praktijk minder dan 50% van het plastic verpakkingsmateriaal dat in Nederland op de markt komt. In de Europese Unie ligt het recycle-percentage gemiddeld nog lager. Wereldwijd is het percentage nog heel laag: 14% wordt gescheiden ingezameld en slechts 5% wordt gerecycled.
Who is Nampak?
Nampak Rigid Plastics produces HDPE and PET bottles and jars, plastic closures, tubes, crates and drums suitable for the fruit juice, dairy, carbonated soft drink, water, alcoholic beverage, bakery, agriculture, chemical, petroleum, personal care and household markets. The plastics operations are based in various sites throughout South Africa.
Where does Nampak manufacture its plastics?
The plastics operations are based in various sites throughout South Africa. Nampak also has a significant plastic packaging manufacturing operation in Zimbabwe, supplemented by smaller scale plants in Zambia and Ethiopia.
Why choose Nampak liquid?
Together with our technology partners, Nampak Liquid offers full support in selecting, procuring, installing and maintaining various filling and material handling equipment. We have also pioneered the introduction of in-plants in South Africa.
How many Nampak sites are there?
Nampak operates from 19 sites in South Africa, contributing approximately 67% to group revenue, 14 sites in the rest of Africa, contributing 33% to group revenue. We leverage the skills of our 4 252 people and capitalise on our substantial investment in state-of-the-art production facilities.