Wat is de betekenis van betwist?

Wat is de betekenis van betwist?

betwisten – Werkwoord 1. (ov) iemand iets ~ iemand het recht op iets of de juistheid van iets trachten te ontzeggen ♢ De twee landen betwisten al geruime tijd het bezit van dit kleine stukje grond. 2. de onjuistheid betogen of het tegendeel staande houden van, aanvechten, tegenspreken…

Where does the Prime Minister of New Zealand live?

The incumbent prime minister’s official residence is Premier House, Tinakori Road, Wellington. There the prime minister hosts receptions and events for New Zealand and overseas guests.

Who is the new Deputy Prime Minister of NZ?

^ Cooke, Henry (2 November 2020). “Grant Robertson new deputy prime minister as Jacinda Ardern reshapes Cabinet for new Government”. Stuff. Retrieved 22 November 2020.

How far off the coast of New Zealand was the earthquake?

The largest quake struck about 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) off the coast of New Zealand. One of the earlier quakes hit much closer to New Zealand and awoke many people as they felt a long, rumbling shaking. “Hope everyone is ok out there,” New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern wrote on Facebook during the night.

How was New Zealand governed before the Prime Minister?

On becoming the Colony of New Zealand in 1841, New Zealand was directly governed by a governor, appointed by the Colonial Office in Britain. Self-government was established in 1853, following the New Zealand Constitution Act 1852, and the First Parliament met on 24 May 1854. The origins of the office of prime minister are disputed.

Wat is een stelplicht?

Stelplicht. De stelplicht is de verplichting van de (veelal) eisende partij om die feiten en omstandigheden te stellen waarop de vordering is gebaseerd. In meer juridische bewoordingen; de partij die zich beroept op een bepaald rechtsgevolg, moet de feiten en omstandigheden stellen die tot dat rechtsgevolg leiden.
