Waarom werkt Authenticator niet?

Waarom werkt Authenticator niet?

Mijn Google Authenticator-codes werken niet Het kan zijn dat de tijd niet goed is gesynchroniseerd door uw Google Authenticator-app. De juiste tijd instellen: Ga op uw Android-apparaat naar het hoofdmenu van de Google Authenticator-app.

Kan niet inloggen authenticator app?

Mocht de verificatiecode uit de Google Authenticator app onverhoopt nog steeds niet geaccepteerd worden, dan kan je altijd de juiste code via SMS opvragen. Log hiervoor eerst in via de inlogpagina door je gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord in te voeren. Je wordt nu gevraagd om de verificatiecode in te voeren.

Can I use oath tokens for Azure MFA in the cloud?

Support for OATH tokens for Azure MFA in the cloud First, you will need some OATH tokens from the vendor of your choice. You can use any OATH TOTP token with a 30- or 60-second refresh that has a secret key of 128 characters or less.

What is multiple device support in azure MFA?

This gives them the ability to have backup devices ready when they need them and to use different types of credentials in different environments. Multiple device support is available for all users with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) MFA in the cloud. Hardware OATH tokens are available for users with an Azure AD Premium P1 or P2 license.

How much time skew is allowed with azure MFA?

We have tested the accepted skew with Azure MFA using our TOTP Toolset and discovered that the allowed skew around 900 seconds (15 x 30-second steps in each direction) which means that no adjustment is needed. If you still need the time to be accurate, you can use our programmable hardware tokens with time sync feature Q.

Are hardware oath tokens available for Azure AD premium?

Hardware OATH tokens are available for users with an Azure AD Premium P1 or P2 license. Check out our credential docs and read on to try out hardware OATH tokens in your tenant.