What is Bing?
A heap, especially of metallic ore or of waste from a mine. ‘It must be the worst place I have ever visited – especially the scenic bauxite bings.’
What are some of your favourite Bing-ing phrases?
‘Even for the tiniest items… bing, out comes the plastic.’ ‘They just rehearsed it with the orchestra, bing, went out, put the cameras on, gone.’ ‘Something happens to him – bing – this other guy’s the president.’ ‘Sometimes it’ll be something really exciting and bing, it’s gone!’
What is bauxite bings?
A heap, especially of metallic ore or of waste from a mine. ‘It must be the worst place I have ever visited – especially the scenic bauxite bings.’ ‘Kenny Kemp found that for Andy Mooney, the shale bings of East Lothian were just a short hop from Disney courtesy of a pair of Air Jordans.’
What’s the deal with Glenmorangie’s coal bings?
‘Scottish Enterprise was involved in a land swap in the early days of developing the site, allowing Hill’s company to acquire an ugly but strategically important coal bing for redevelopment while SE got a few acres of its own.’ ‘In reality, most of Glenmorangie’s employees work next to a huge shale bing near Broxburn, West Lothian.’
Bing is a search engine from Microsoft that was launched on May 28, 2009. Microsoft calls it a “ Decision Engine ,” because it’s designed to return search results in a format that organizes answers to address your needs.
Is bing or Google more popular in Australia?
In Australia, Google has 94% of the market while Bing has 3.7%. Microsoft’s search engine has gone through a few iterations over the years, starting as MSN search in 1998. It then transitioned through Windows Live Search and Live Search before it was rebranded to Bing.
Why do some people dislike Bing?
Others dislike Microsoft’s tactic of forcing Bing on them as the default search engine with no easy way out. Or, like the Apple vs. PC debate, some people dislike Bing simply because it isn’t Google.
What is Bing’s search algorithm?
The nature of Bing’s exact search algorithm is kept under wraps and is said to be continually updating. According to its Webmaster Guidelines, Bing ranks pages based on relevance, quality, credibility, user engagement, freshness, location and page load time.