Hoe kwamen Nederlanders in de jaren 60 en 70 in contact met andere eetculturen?
Met de terugkeer van Nederlandse militairen en de stroom van repatrianten uit Indië, groeide in Nederland de behoefte aan Indisch eten. De Chinese eethuizen, die eerder alleen oorspronkelijke Chinese gerechten hadden geserveerd, speelden daar handig op in. Een voor een pasten ze de menukaart aan.
What happened in the year 1972 in America?
What happened in 1972 Major News Stories include Munich Olympics Terrorist Attack, Mark Spitz 7 gold medals, Digital Watches are introduced, Governor George Wallace is shot, First scientific hand-held calculator, Atari release PONG, Antiwar demonstrations draw 100,000, Cod War, Bloody Sunday and Bloody Friday Northern Ireland, Watergate Scandal,
What was the year 1972 known for in science?
For the Scientists, 1972 was the development year of the Computerized Axial Tomography ( CAT) scanning in England. Correspondingly, US’ RCA developed the compact disk almost during the same time. Then again, the Health and Nutrition sector saw the development of Prozac (fluoxetine) antidepressant by the Scottish Bryan B.
What happened to the US troops in Vietnam in 1972?
The ARVN 4th Regiment recaptured Ross on 9 September 1972. : 286 USAF Captain R. Stephen Ritchie became the first USAF ace of the war after downing his fifth VPAF MiG-21 in combat. President Nixon announced that 12,000 more U.S. soldiers would be withdrawn from South Vietnam over a three-month period, with only 27,000 remaining by 1 December.
How much did things cost in 1972?
How Much things cost in 1972 Yearly Inflation Rate USA 3.27% Yearly Inflation Rate UK 6.4% Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 1020 Average Cost of new house $27,550.00 Average Income per year $11,800.00 Average Monthly Rent $165.00 Cost of a gallon of Gas 55 cents Roxanne Ladies Swimsuit $30.00 Kodak Pocket $28.00