What is PSVT (PSVT)?

What is PSVT (PSVT)?

PSVT, Is It Dangerous? Symptoms, Causes, Treatment What Is Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia? Tachycardia is when your heart beats faster than normal, even when you’re not doing anything. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) is when your fast heartbeat starts in the upper, or supraventricular, chambers of the heart.

What is the difference between tachycardia and PSVT?

Tachycardia is when your heart beats faster than normal, even when you’re not doing anything. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) is when your fast heartbeat starts in the upper, or supraventricular, chambers of the heart. It’s also known as supraventricular tachycardia. PSVT is most common in younger people, especially women.

What is the best treatment for PSVT?

Long-term treatment for people who have repeat episodes of PSVT, or who also have heart disease, may include: Cardiac ablation, a procedure used to destroy small areas in your heart that may be causing the rapid heartbeat (currently the treatment of choice for most PSVTs) Daily medicines to prevent repeat episodes.

What is the prevalence of PSVT in the US?

Epidemiology In the United States, the prevalence of PSVT is approximately 0.2%, and it has an incidence of one to three cases every thousand patients.

What does a physical exam show for PSVT?

A physical exam during a PSVT episode will show a rapid heart rate. It may also show forceful pulses in the neck. The heart rate may be over 100, and even more than 250 beats per minute (bpm). In children, the heart rate tends to be very high. There may be signs of poor blood circulation such as lightheadedness.

What are the symptoms of a PSVT episode?

Symptoms most often start and stop suddenly. They can last for a few minutes or several hours. Symptoms may include: A physical exam during a PSVT episode will show a rapid heart rate. It may also show forceful pulses in the neck. The heart rate may be over 100, and even more than 250 beats per minute (bpm).