Wat is cloisonne vaas?

Wat is cloisonne vaas?

(Fr.) o. vaas of vaatwerk, geëmailleerd met gekleurde figuren, waarvan de omtrekken door smalle metaalranden zijn aangegeven. Gemaakt door de Byzantijnen, later door Chinezen en Japanners, cellenemail.

Wat is een Cloisonne tegel?

Cloisonné is een glazuurtechniek voor het aanbrengen van gekleurde vlakken van een motief op metaal of keramiek (aardewerk, steengoed en porselein). De naam komt van het Franse woord cloison wat “tussenschot” of “tussenwand” betekent.

What is the meaning of cloisonne?

Cloisonné ( French pronunciation: ​[klwazɔne]) is an ancient technique for decorating metalwork objects. In recent centuries, vitreous enamel has been used, and inlays of cut gemstones, glass and other materials were also used during older periods. The resulting objects can also be called cloisonné.

What is cloisonné jewellery?

From the Staffordshire Hoard, found in 2009, and not fully cleaned. Cloisonné first developed in the jewellery of the ancient Near East, and the earliest enamel all used the cloisonné technique, placing the enamel within small cells with gold walls.

What is flat cloisonné?

Flat cloisonné is the most common. After all the cloisons are filled the enamel is ground down to a smooth surface with lapidary equipment, using the same techniques as are used for polishing cabochon stones. The top of the cloisonné wire is polished so it is flush with the enamel and has a bright lustre.

Where are cloisonné made?

Later, in 1915, during the early years of the Republic of China, Chinese cloisonné again won first prize at the Panama World’s Fair. Cloisonné decorated objects are still made in China.

What is cloisonne made out of?

In cloisonné, copper filaments are glued or soldered to a metal surface—gold in the Near East, bronze or copper in China—to create tiny compartments, or cloisons, that are then filled with ground glass blended with metallic oxides to produce colorful enamels.

What is cloisonné enamelware?

Cloisonné is a form of enamelware where the enamel paste is contained within compartments or “cloisons” of wire. Often of silver or gold, the wires remain visible on the finished article, threading between areas of colour.