Welke Clematis ruikt lekker?

Welke Clematis ruikt lekker?

De winterharde Clematis Armandii is een kleinbloemige Clematis die al in het eerste jaar bloeit. De Armandii staat bekend om zijn heerlijk geurende witte bloemen. Bijzonder aan deze Clematis is dat dit een van de weinige Clematissen is die groen blijft in de winter.

Kun je kamperfoelie stekken?

Kun je een Kamperfoelie stekken? Absoluut! Een Kamperfoelie, of Lonicera, is een snelle groeier en stekken is dan ook meestal succesvol. Er zijn meerdere methodes die je kunt toepassen voor vermeerderen: stekken op aarde of op water, maar je kunt een Kamperfoelie ook afleggen.

What is Clematis?

Clematis is an attractive deciduous vine that can be grown in small gardens and homes. The plant also includes evergreen and herbaceous varieties, with multiple colors, forms, and flowering seasons, though most of the plant flowers between early spring and fall. Here are some of the best Types of Clematis you should grow!

What does large flowered Clematis look like?

Large flowered Clematis are typically characterized by lace-like roots and large, dramatic flowers, which are rarely scented. The foliage of these Clematis is prone to wilt, a disease that is caused by one or more fungi. This Clematis group is further subdivided into 2 groups based on blooming seasons.

How to plant Clematis in the ground?

Typically plants should be placed so that the top of the soil in the ground is the same as it was in the container and planted directly in the native soil (turns out that whole “$10 hole for a $5 plant” advice was probably off base). But clematis are special (or for the kids out there: extra) and they want special treatment.

Is Clematis an Atragene plant?

Clematis – Atragene Group. The Atragene group of clematis includes early and small-flowering clematis, which are extremely hardy, undemanding and among the easiest to grow. Planted near a window, they reward gardeners with elegant and colorful blossoms when there is so little color in the garden.