Wie werkte mee aan het album van Velvet Underground?
De klassieke bezetting van de groep bestond uit zanger en gitarist Lou Reed, multi-instrumentalist John Cale, gitarist Sterling Morrison en drummer Maureen Tucker. In 1967 verscheen hun debuutalbum The Velvet Underground & Nico, onder toeziend oog van kunstenaar Andy Warhol en met een gastrol voor zangeres Nico.
Wie zit achter Netflix?
Geschiedenis. Netflix is in 1997 opgericht in Scotts Valley, Californië door Marc Randolph en Reed Hastings. Hastings kwam op het idee om het bedrijf te beginnen, nadat hij een boete van 40 dollar moest betalen na het te laat inleveren van de gehuurde film Apollo 13.
What is the discography of the Velvet Underground?
The Velvet Underground discography. For individual discographies, see articles for Lou Reed and John Cale, and main entries on Maureen Tucker and Doug Yule. The discography of the American rock band The Velvet Underground consists of five studio albums, five live albums, thirteen compilation albums, two box sets and seven singles.
Why is squeeze on the Velvet Underground’s albums list?
It’s probably sacrilegious to even include Squeeze in a Velvet Underground albums list, but it was, in fact, released under the band’s name, so we’re obligated to include it here. With the departure of Lou Reed, Sterling Morrison and Moe Tucker, that meant Doug Yule was left to record the band’s final album alone.
Where does the Velvet Underground rank on the All Time list?
The Velvet Underground was voted number 262 in the third edition of Colin Larkin’s All Time Top 1000 Albums (2000). In 2003, The Velvet Underground was ranked number 314 by Rolling Stone on its list of the 500 greatest albums of all time.
What happened to David Yule of the Velvet Underground?
After his departure, Yule became the new frontman of The Velvet Underground and toured together with Willie Alexander ( keyboard ), Walter Powers ( bass guitar ), Maureen Tucker ( drums) and other musicians. In 1973, he recorded their fifth and last regular studio album, Squeeze, which for some time dropped out of the official discography.