Wat betekent erythematodes?

Wat betekent erythematodes?

Lupus erythematodes is een aandoening van je immuunsysteem (auto-immuunaandoening) waarbij je afweersysteem ontregeld is. Er bestaan verschillende vormen van lupus erythematodes: Cutane lupus erythematodes: Je hebt alleen klachten aan de huid.

Wat is de auto-immuunziekte SLE?

SLE staat voor systemische lupus erythematodes. SLE is een auto-immuunziekte. Bij een auto-immuunziekte maakt het lichaam ontstekingseiwitten aan, die schade aan weefsels en organen kunnen veroorzaken. SLE wordt gekenmerkt door periodes van weinig tot geen ziekteactiviteit, afgewisseld met periodes van actieve ziekte.

What does the medical term erythematosus mean?

SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus): A chronic inflammatory condition caused by an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease occurs when the body’s tissues are attacked by its own immune system. Patients with lupus have unusual antibodies in their blood that are targeted against their own body tissues.. Lupus can cause disease of the skin, heart, lungs, kidneys, joints, and nervous system.

What does erythematosus mean?

What does the word erythematosus mean? The word erythematosus (from the Greek word erythros, meaning red) refers to the reddish color of the circular shaped facial lesions. Herein, what does lupus mean in Latin?

What does erythematous mean?

What does erythematous in stomach mean? erythematous just means red. so your doctor looked into your stomach with a scope and saw mild red lining of your stomach. the mucosa is the type of lining of the inside of your stomach. this redness can be caused by excessive stomach acid or poor diet or alcohol use.

What is the medical definition of erythematous?

erythema – Medical Definition. n. Redness of the skin caused by dilatation and congestion of the capillaries, often a sign of inflammation or infection. Related Forms: er′y·them′a·tous (-thĕm′ə-təs, -thē′mə-) er′y·the·mat′ic (-măt′ĭk) er′y·the′mic adj.