Hoeveel kogels in een Winchester?
Het bekendste model is de Winchester ’66 (verder ontwikkeld uit het henry repeteergeweer) , een geweer waarbij de schutter door het op en neer halen van de trekkerbeugel steeds een nieuwe patroon in de kamer kon brengen. Hierdoor kon hij 12 schoten achter elkaar afgeven.
Hoeveel Joule heeft een .22 LR?
De mondingssnelheid van een moderne . 22 Short vanuit een geweerloop bedraagt 1095 fps en de mondingsenergie is dan 77 ft. lbs. Dat is ongeveer 104 Joules bij 333 meter per seconde.
What is the pull on a Winchester Model 62A pump?
Winchester Model 62A pump that boasts a 23” barrel chambered in .22 short, with a length of pull of 13 1/4” over the pad. The wood is about 90% and the metal is about 80-85%. Thi… (read more) This is the Winchester Model 62A chambered in .22S,L,LR.
What is a Winchester Model 62A 22 rifle?
It’s a pump (or slide) action rifle chambered for 22 rimfire, and is able to digest 22 Short, Long, and Long Rifle cartridges. Right side of Winchester Model 62A 22 rifle. (Photo © Russ Chastain) This particular rifle has been used and abused, but has held up well. Left side of Winchester 62A pump gun. (Photo © Russ Chastain)
Is my Winchester 22 worth anything?
My .22 doesn’t say Winchester though, it says it comes from Brazil. Kinda funny, it’s a complete match besides the forend. Don’t really need it anymore but I’ve no idea what its worth and without knowing that I wouldn’t dream of selling or trading it. It’s an awesome little gun to shoot. At least mine is in a much much better condition.
When was the Winchester Model 22 rifle invented?
On June 26, 1888, a patent for the new design was issued to John & Matthew Browning. Under this patent, Winchester created the second repeating slide action .22 rifle ever successfully developed and manufactured, being narrowly edged out by the Colt Lightning small frame carbine.