Wat is de afkorting van NCIS?

Wat is de afkorting van NCIS?

Naval Criminal Investigative Service, de Amerikaanse overheidsinstantie die onderzoek doet naar misdaden binnen de US Navy en het US Marine Corps. NCIS (televisieserie), een Amerikaanse televisieserie over de Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

Waar wordt NCIS uitgezonden?

De serie is de best bekeken serie op internationale televisie. NCIS wordt in België uitgezonden door Play4 en Play6 en in Nederland door Net5 , Fox en RTL 8.

Hoe oud is NCIS?

NCIS is een Amerikaanse misdaadserie van de zender CBS. De serie ging in première op 23 september 2003. NCIS gaat over een groep speciale agenten in dienst van NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service) hun doel is onderzoek te doen naar alle misdaden die gelinkt zijn aan de marine.

What is the meaning of NCIS?

Follow the quirky agents of the NCIS — the Naval Criminal Investigative Service – as they track down terrorists and other high-profile criminals. Watch all you want. This long-running crime drama eventually became the most-watched scripted series on American TV.

Is there a real NCIS agency?

Although the characters and story lines are fictional, there is an NCIS in real life. It is, “the civilian federal law enforcement agency uniquely responsible for investigating felony crime, preventing terrorism, and protecting secrets for the Navy and Marine Corps,” according to the website.

Who are the actors in the TV show NCIS?

Based out of Washington, D.C., the team includes special agents Caitlin Todd ( Sasha Alexander ), Anthony DiNozzo ( Michael Weatherly ), Timothy McGee ( Sean Murray ), Ziva David ( Cote de Pablo ), Eleanor Bishop ( Emily Wickersham ), Alexandra Quinn ( Jennifer Esposito ), and Nicholas Torres ( Wilmer Valderrama ),…

What does the NCIS team investigate?

The NCIS team investigates a series of escalating threats against a congresswoman who has made enemies on both sides of the political fence. 9. Enemy Combatant