Wat is een Atriumflutter?

Wat is een Atriumflutter?

Boezemflutter is een hartritmestoornis waarbij de boezems van het hart erg snel samentrekken. Ongeveer 300 keer per minuut. Het verschil met boezemfibrilleren is dat het ritme bij boezemflutter regelmatig is.

Hoe ontstaat een Atriumflutter?

Oorzaken. Boezemflutter ontstaat vaak als complicatie na een hartinfarct. Ook een eerdere ablatie kan later opnieuw boezemflutter veroorzaken. De oorzaken van de hartritmestoornis boezemfibrilleren kunnen ook zorgen voor boezemflutter.

Is adenosine effective for tachycardia?

Adenosine is recommended for specific types of tachycardia. Specifically, tachycardia that has an electrical impulse that originates in the atria. SVT and some regular wide-complex monomorphic tachycardia. For these types of tachycardia, adenosine has proved to be more save and effective than cardarone.

Can adenosine be used for regular monomorphic wide complex tachycardia?

For the unstable patient with a regular and narrow QRS complex, adenosine may also be considered prior to synchronized cardioversion. Adenosine is the primary drug used in the treatment of stable narrow-complex SVT (Supraventricular Tachycardia). Now, adenosine can also be used for regular monomorphic wide-complex tachycardia.

Is adenosine as effective as verapamil for supraventricular tachycardia?

Comparative studies have shown that adenosine is as effective as verapamil in the treatment of supraventricular tachycardia, and has less potential for adverse effects. Patients with supraventricular tachycardia should initially be treated using vagotonic physical maneuvers.

Is adenosine contraindicated for sinus tachycardia?

Adenosine would be contra indicated with sinus tachycardia. Sinus tachycardia occurs as a normal reaction to things like infection, exercise, and increased metabolic demand. Want to make sure to treat the cause of sinus tachycardia and not simply the rhythm.