ITIL richt zich in het beheer zowel op het technisch (infrastructuur), applicatie, informatie als functioneel beheer. BISL richt zich als raamwerk voor beheer vooral op het informatie- en functioneel beheer. Dat is ook logisch omdat BISL vanuit de gebruikersorganisatie van IT tot stand is gekomen.

Wat zijn beheertools?

Beheertools (of beheerapplicaties) worden aangeschaft om beheerprocessen te ondersteunen. De beheerprocessen op hun beurt ondersteunen bedrijfsprocessen. Doordat er geen directe aansluiting is met de business, is het maken van de juiste keuze lastig én moeilijk te onderbouwen.

What is ITIL?

What is ITIL? Information Technology Infrastructure Library , ITIL is defined as a framework with a set of best practices for delivering efficient IT support services.

How can businesses use ITIL and other frameworks together?

Businesses and organizations often leverage ITIL and other frameworks together to support their holistic needs. Each framework has its own scope and approach that is unique, which can help address an organization’s unique challenges. Here are some of the common frameworks implemented alongside ITIL:

What is ITIL Foundation certification?

ITIL Foundation certification is targeted at anyone who needs a basic understanding of key concepts and processes in ITIL service lifecycle and service management best practices. It is aimed at delivering the following The certification can be taken by anyone who wants to learn about ITIL processes and there is no eligibility criteria.

How to define ITIL process and process owner?

Define ITIL process and process owner People are more important than process and technology capabilities. Identifying the roles and responsibilities of process owner is crucial. ITIL success depends a lot on service desk agents’ attitude and soft skills besides technical skills.