Waar ligt Korea?
Zuid-Korea, formeel de Republiek Korea (Koreaans: 대한민국 Daehan Minguk), is een land in het oosten van Azië. Er wonen ruim 51 miljoen mensen op een oppervlakte van 100.140 km², wat het land tot één van de meest dichtbevolkte van de wereld maakt. De hoofdstad is Seoul, dat 10 miljoen inwoners telt.
Korea is een voormalige staat in Oost-Azië, bestaande uit een schiereiland, dat aan China en Rusland grenst, en van Japan gescheiden is door de Japanse Zee (in Korea Oostzee genoemd). De oppervlakte bedraagt 221.487 km². Het schiereiland is al twaalf- tot achttienduizend jaar bewoond.
What are the origins of Korea’s Division?
The origins of the modern division of Korea trace to the period of Japan’s colonial rule over Korea (1910-1945). During World War II, the Allied leaders fighting Japan considered the question of Korea’s future after Japan’s surrender in the war.
What is the history of Korea?
Korea portal. Korea has been divided into two countries, North and South Korea since World War II, ending the Empire of Japan’s 35-year rule over Korea in 1945. The United States and the Soviet Union each occupied a portion of the peninsula, with the boundary between their zones of control along the 38th parallel.
Was Japan happy with the land they had in Korea?
Finally, Japan was happy with the land they had and began their imperialism on the Korean people. Koreans had mixed feelings about their new classification as a Japanese colony. On one hand, Japanese rule was incredibly harsh.
What was the future of Korea after the war?
During the war, the Allied leaders considered the question of Korea’s future after Japan’s surrender in the war. The leaders reached an understanding that Korea would be liberated from Japan but would be placed under an international trusteeship until the Koreans would be deemed ready for self-rule.