Wat is plexus sacralis?

Wat is plexus sacralis?

De plexus sacralis of heiligbeensvlecht is een groep zenuwen die ontspringen uit het ruggenmerg tussen de niveaus L4 en S4. De plexus kan onderverdeeld worden in een voorste en achterste deel. Het voorste deel van de plexus sacralis verzorgt de motorische innervatie van het achterste deel van de dij en been.

Wat is Plexus Lumbalis neuralgie?

Plexus lumbalis neuralgie is pijn door beschadigingen aan een netwerk (plexus) van zenuwen dat naar de benen en voeten gaat. De zenuwen liggen in je rug, maar de zenuwen lopen door de benen en de voeten. Hierdoor ervaar je de klachten van lumbalis neuralgie in je benen en voeten.

What is lumbosacral plexopathy?

The lumbosacral (LS) plexus is a  network of nerves formed by the anterior rami of the lumbar and sacral spinal cord. LS plexopathy is an injury to the nerves in the lumbar and/or sacral plexus.

What is non-diabetic lumbosacral plexitis (lrpn)?

Abstract Idiopathic lumbosacral plexitis (LSP) or non-diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathy (LRPN) is a rare monophasic immune-mediated disorder. The disease is characterized by multiple lumbosacral root and nerve involvement in the absence of trauma, mass lesion or elevated blood sugar.

What is the prevalence of lumbosacral plexitis?

Lumbosacral plexitis (LSP) is an uncommon condition; while the incidence has not been studied it is postulated to be considerably less than one per 100,000 people.1 It has been recognized relatively recently by Evans and others in the early 1980s3 which probably reflects it rarity.

Is immunotherapy effective in the treatment of lumbosacral plexopathy caused by microvasculitis?

Many cases of lumbosacral plexopathy previously thought to be idiopathic have been shown to be caused by ischemic injury from microvasculitis; despite lack of evidence for efficacy in improving neurologic deficits, the authors of this article include immunotherapy in their management of patients with this condition.