Waarom stijgt tijdens een circulatiestilstand de veneuze druk?

Waarom stijgt tijdens een circulatiestilstand de veneuze druk?

Als de rechterharthelft het bloed niet goed kan wegpompen naar de longen (bijvoorbeeld bij een vernauwing in de longslagader of longembolie), dan stijgt de CVD. Als er te weinig bloed is om te pompen (bijvoorbeeld bij shock), daalt de CVD.

What is SvO2?

Venous Oxygen Saturation – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf Venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) is a measure of the oxygen content of the blood returning to the right side of the heart after perfusing the entire body.

What is mixed venous saturation SVO2?

Mixed venous saturation SvO2 is a measure of the balance between global oxygen delivery and uptake.

What causes SvO2 to be abnormal?

When the oxygen supply is insufficient to meet the metabolic demands of the tissues, an abnormal SvO2 ensues and reflects an inadequacy in the systemic oxygenation. SvO2 is, therefore, dependent on oxygen delivery and oxygen extraction.

What is the normal range of SvO2?

normal SvO2 = 65-70% SvO2 > ScvO2 as it contains blood from both SVC and IVC if SvO2 low then either consumption elevated or demand high 0.5 corresponds to a theoretical critical PvO2 of 26mmHg -> level where tissue dysoxia is highly likely

Welke factoren bepalen de veneuze druk?

Verschillende factoren beïnvloeden de centraal veneuze druk: cardiac output, ademhalings activiteit, contractie van de skeletspieren, sympathische vasoconstrictie tonus, zwaartekracht.

Waarom centraal veneuze druk meten?

Niet-invasieve bepaling van de centraalveneuze druk (CVD) is nuttig om de oorzaak van dyspneu en oedeem op te sporen; voor patiënten met hartfalen is de CVD-beoordeling diagnostisch en prognostisch van belang. De CVD is bij een platliggende patiënt goed te beoordelen aan de hand van de V. jugularis externa.

What is jugular venous pressure (JVP)?

Therefore jugular venous pressure (JVP) is a indirect measure of pressure in the right atrium. Basically when pressure in the atrium is high the JVP will be raised and when right atrial pressure is low the JVP will drop.

How does position affect jugular venous pressure?

Erection/Position: Sitting up erect will drop the meniscus of the JVP while lying supine will increase the filling of the JVP. To find jugular venous pressure observe 2 features:

How do you measure internal jugular venous pressure?

Jugular venous pressure is measured with reference to the sternal angle. The sternal angle is 5 cm above the mid right atrium in all positions. Normal internal jugular venous pulsations are not visible in the neck in the sitting position. Hence it is typically measured with 45 degrees propped up position.

How does the internal jugular vein (IJV) work?

This is possible because the internal jugular vein (IJV) connects to the right atrium without any intervening valves, resulting in a continuous column of blood. The presence of this continuous column of blood means that changes in right atrial pressure are reflected in the IJV (e.g. raised right atrial pressure results in distension of the IJV).