Waar is risperidon voor?

Waar is risperidon voor?

Risperidon remt wanen, hallucinaties en tics. Bij psychoses, en schizofrenie, manie en dementie. Ook bij onrust, tics, dwangstoornissen en posttraumatische stressstoornis.

Wat is het verschil tussen risperidon en Risperdal?

Risperidon is sinds 1993 internationaal op de markt. Het is op recept verkrijgbaar in gewone tabletten, smelttabletten, drank en injecties onder de merknaam Risperdal en als het merkloze Risperidon.

Hoeveel uur moet er tussen risperidon zitten?

Kinetische gegevens

Resorptie volledig.
T max oraal 1–2 uur, i.m. vanaf 3 weken tot week 7.
V d 1–2 l/kg.
Eiwitbinding 90%.

Is Risperidon verslavend?

Risperidon is geen verslavend middel. Je hoeft dus niet bang te zijn dat je steeds meer behoefte hebt om het medicijn vaker te gebruiken dan voorgeschreven. Wel kunnen er onthoudingsverschijnselen optreden als je stopt met het medicijn.

Is there a generic version of risperidone?

See also: Generic Risperdal Consta Risperdal is a brand name of risperidone, approved by the FDA in the following formulation (s): RISPERDAL (risperidone – solution;oral)

What is the pharmacology of risperidone?

Risperidone pharmacodynamics excluding D -amino acid oxidase inhibition Risperidone has been classified as a “qualitatively atypical” antipsychotic agent with a relatively low incidence of extrapyramidal side effects (when given at low doses) that has more pronounced serotonin antagonism than dopamine antagonism.

Does risperidone make you feel lethargic?

Risperidone is generic for Risperidal and I think it’s a pretty good option for depression & psychosis. Not so much for anxiety though. It should give you a boost or make you feel energized rather than lethargic due to the increased norepinephrine plasma levels. This does not make you gain weight either.

How does risperidone differ from other antipsychotics?

Risperidone seems to produce somewhat more extrapyramidal side effects and clearly more prolactin increase than most other atypical antipsychotics. It may also differ from other compounds in the occurrence of other adverse effects such as weight gain, metabolic problems, cardiac effects, sedation, and seizures.