Wat is een Intentietremor?

Wat is een Intentietremor?

Bij een intentietremor ligt de oorzaak in de kleine hersenen. Dit kan ontstaan na een beroerte of een andere beschadiging van de kleine hersenen. Deze tremor is vaak asymmetrisch: het trillen begint niet tegelijkertijd links en rechts in uw lichaam. De rusttremor zien we vooral bij de ziekte van Parkinson.

What is asterixis?

Asterixis is a tremor of the hand when the wrist is extended, sometimes said to resemble a bird flapping its wings. This motor disorder is characterized by an inability to maintain a position, which is demonstrated by jerking movements of the outstretched hands when bent upward at the wrist.

How is asterixis diagnosed?

A diagnosis of asterixis is often based on both a physical exam and lab tests. Your doctor may ask you to hold your arms out, flex your wrists, and spread your fingers. After a few seconds, a person with asterixis will involuntarily “flap” the wrists downward, then back up. Your doctor may also push against the wrists to prompt the response.

What are the risk factors for asterixis?

Both epilepsy and heart failure are also risk factors for asterixis. A diagnosis of asterixis is often based on both a physical exam and lab tests. Your doctor may ask you to hold your arms out, flex your wrists, and spread your fingers. After a few seconds, a person with asterixis will involuntarily “flap” the wrists downward, then back up.

What is asterixis (flapping hands)?

Asterixis is a tremor or movement disorder characterized by movement of hands and wrists that resembles flapping of wings. 1 There is arrhythmic flexion movements of the hands with outstretched arms and dorsiflexion of the wrists. This tremor experienced is involuntary and cannot be controlled by the individual.

Waar komen trillende handen vandaan?

Trillende handen komen vaak voor en kunnen verschillende oorzaken hebben. Zo kan het voorkomen bij overmatig gebruik van stimulerende middelen zoals cafeïne, nicotine of alcohol. Het trillen vermindert dan zelf naarmate de middelen uitwerken. Ook bij stress, angst of paniek kan het trillen verergeren.