Wat is Colpopexie?

Wat is Colpopexie?

Eén van de behandelingen voor een verzakking is een operatie. De verzakte organen, zoals de blaas, de baarmoeder, de vaginatop of de endeldarm, komen weer op de goede plaats. De gynaecoloog trekt steunweefsel bij deze organen naar elkaar toe met hechtingen (Reef hechtingen). De verzakking wordt zo opgeheven.

Wat zijn gynaecologische operaties?

De operatie kan via de buik door middel van een verticale of horizontale snede (openbuik-operatie), via de schede (vaginale operatie) of via een kijkoperatie: in de buik (laparoscopie) of in de baarmoeder (hysteroscopie).

What is a colpopexy?

A colpopexy is a surgical procedure to re-suspend the colpus (vagina) into the abdomen. This is the surgery that is used for pelvic organ prolapse in which the vagina is prolapsing into the vaginal canal or outside the opening of the vagina. There are numerous ways to perform a colpopexy.

Is colpopexy the best treatment for vaginal prolapse?

There are several surgical treatment procedures for vaginal prolapse. However, the most preferred method is Colpopexy. The process provides a minimally invasive correction option for vaginal prolapse. The procedure offers the same benefits or even better benefits than the more invasive treatment procedures like vaginal repair.

How is colpocleisis done?

The surgeon sews together the front and back walls of the vagina to shorten the vaginal canal. This prevents the vagina walls from bulging inward, and provides support to hold up the uterus. Reconstructive surgery is often performed through incisions in the abdomen. Colpocleisis is done through the vagina.

How long does it take to recover from colpopexy?

Although many people report an improvement in the bladder and bowel symptoms after an operation, some symptoms may persist even after the treatment. After undergoing colpopexy, you will require around six weeks to recover fully from the procedure. It is advisable to take some time off from strenuous activities until you recover fully.