Hoe kan ik mijn laptop terug vinden?

Hoe kan ik mijn laptop terug vinden?

Als je op reis gaat met je Windows 10 laptop, tablet of hybride dan wil je die natuurlijk niet kwijtraken. Toch kun je je apparaat vergeten of verliezen of kan het gestolen worden. Terugvinden is mogelijk als je Mijn apparaat zoeken en locatieservices aanzet in Windows 10.

What is Find my Device on Windows 10?

Find My Device is a feature that can help you locate your Windows 10 device if it’s lost or stolen. To use this feature, sign in to your device with a Microsoft account and make sure you’re an administrator on it. This feature works when location is turned on for your device, even if other users on the device have turned off location settings

How to find your lost or stolen Windows 10 device?

1 As you have to log into your Microsoft account, find a trusted computer or laptop. 2 Next, open the web browser of your choice and go to this page. 3 Enter the password or pin to log into your Microsoft account. 4 Here, click on the “Find My Device” tab. 5 Click on the computer name and then click the “Find” button.

Does wiindows 10 have’Find my Device’?

Yeah, Find My Device currently only appears to be available for portable Windows 10 PCs such as laptops or tablets for now. Fantastic thank you! At least I know its the norm now I have a newly purchased Wiindows 10 Asus ux305 laptop and it does not have “find my device.” Is there any way to install it? Hello jrak, and welcome to Ten Forums. 🙂

How to find your laptop in Windows 10?

After you enable the Find My Device feature in Windows 10, it will keep tabs on your laptop’s location. When needed, you can log into your Microsoft account and click a button to find where the laptop is located.

Is deze laptop gestolen?

Zowel Windows als Mac laptops bieden een zoekmogelijkheid om je laptop te vinden. Doe online aangifte van diefstal bij de politie. Voor meer informatie bel je het algemene nummer van de politie: 0900-8844.
