Kan eucalyptus in Nederland groeien?

Kan eucalyptus in Nederland groeien?

Veel mensen weten niet, dat is een eerste grote voordeel van de eucalyptus, dat moderne varianten van deze soort prima groeien in Nederland en ook de winter overleven. Kiezen voor het planten van een eucalyptus plant in Nederland is dus gewoon mogelijk.

Waar groeit de Eucalyptus?

Eucalyptus komt van nature voor in Australië, waar meer dan 600 verschillende soorten geteld zijn. In Europa komt Eucalyptus nu ook (aangeplant) voor in de landen rond de Middellandse Zee, in Engeland en Schotland. Eucalyptus is, hoewel enkele soorten op zich wel vorst kunnen verdragen, hier niet echt winterhard.

What does Corymbia ficifolia look like?

Noted for its spectacular floral show, Corymbia ficifolia (Red Flowering Gum) is a moderately fast growing evergreen tree boasting a profusion of bright flower clusters in summer, and sporadically throughout the year. The flowers come in a warm range of colors, including red, pink, orange, white, and can be bicolor.

How tall do Corymbia trees grow?

These varieties will reach around 3m in height and make excellent trees for smaller gardens. Sometimes called the ‘ Red Flowering Gum’ however the flowers vary from white to red. Corymbia ficifolia are widely used as a street tree and in home gardens. So not all Corymbia ficifolia are red flowering, some are apricot and similar pale colors.

Can You graft Corymbia ficifolia?

Plants of Corymbia ficifolia are grafted onto a north-east coast species, Corymbia ptychocarpa (Swamp Bloodwood). A range of cultivars and forms have been created with flower colours ranging from white to red, orange and pink. These cultivars are much more reliable and grow on a range of soils.

What is the genus and species of Corymbia?

Other commonly cultivated gums that are now placed in the genus Corymbia, a genus of about 90 species previously considered to be in a subgenera within the genus Eucalyptus, are the Lemon Scented Gum (now Corymbia citriodora>/a>), the Spotted Gum (now Corymbia maculata).