Hoeveel weegt een Bobcat?

Hoeveel weegt een Bobcat?

Extra informatie

Bedrijfsgewicht 1268 kg
Werkcapaciteit 343 kg
Kiplast 686 kg
Pompvermogen 37 L/min
Max. rijsnelheid 9,8 km/h

Hoe breed is een Bobcat?


Productcode 06020010
Gewicht 1.200 kg
Breedte 710 mm
Diepte 2793 mm
Hoogte 2209 mm

Wat is Bobcat?

kleine wiellaadschop, die gebruikt wordt om, in het ruim, ladingresten bij elkaar te brengen.

What is the best size Bobcat to buy?

The Bobcat® S70 is perfect when the job is too big for a shovel. The radius-lift-path S450 delivers great performance for its size. The radius-lift-path S510 delivers powerful performance, operator comfort and Bobcat versatility. The S590 delivers all the power, reliability and comfort your challenging work demands.

What is the largest bobcat track loader?

The vertical lift T870 is the largest Bobcat® compact track loader. The Bobcat® S70 is perfect when the job is too big for a shovel. The radius-lift-path S450 delivers great performance for its size.

What is the difference between the bobcat S510 and S590?

The radius-lift-path S510 delivers powerful performance, operator comfort and Bobcat versatility. The S590 delivers all the power, reliability and comfort your challenging work demands. The radius-lift-path Bobcat® S62 provides enhanced performance, improved comfort and increased power for your heaviest lifting.

What kind of Mower is a bobcat zs4000?

The Bobcat® ZT3500 mower delivers commercial-grade durability, power and cut quality to make any turf, your turf. The Bobcat® ZS4000 zero-turn mower has the stand-on stability and agility you’ve been looking for – traverse hills, slopes and tight spots with ease.