Is Vlooienspray giftig voor katten?
Permethrin wordt gebruikt als anti-teken en anti-vlooien middel in pipetjes. Het zit in veel producten voor honden, die daar verder geen last van hebben. Katten zijn veel gevoeliger voor permethrin en lopen al snel een risico op vergiftiging.
Does permethrin evaporate easily?
Permethrin does not evaporate very easily when it is applied to surfaces. Permethrin was applied indoors near a window in an experiment where it was exposed to daylight. After 20 days, 60% of the permethrin that was applied was still on the surface. If permethrin is applied to plants, it may stay on the leaves for between 1 and 3 weeks.
Is Permethrin a carcinogen?
After additional toxicity data were reviewed, EPA concluded that permethrin was a weak carcinogen. Further, laboratory studies indicated that permethrin was highly toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates; therefore, it was classified as Restricted Use pesticide (RUP) for the cotton use.
What percentage of permethrin is used for mosquitoes?
The majority of permethrin, over 70%, is used in non-agricultural settings; 55% is applied by professionals, 41% is applied by homeowners on residential areas, and 4% is applied on mosquito abatement areas.
Is permethrin legal in Europe?
After its invention, other countries adopted permethrin due to its low toxicity and success in agriculture. For example, farmers in countries such as Mexico, Brazil, and India use it. While permethrin is legal for medical and veterinary use in Europe, the European Union does not permit its use in agriculture.
Hoe giftig is vlooienspray?
Naast fipronil is ook permethrin is zeer giftige stof die vaak wordt teruggevonden, hoewel het vooral insecten zijn die daar last van hebben. Fipronil valt onder insecticiden en kan irriterend zijn voor de slijmvliezen, de huid en de ogen als je hiermee in contact komt.