Wat is CTV auto?

Wat is CTV auto?

CVT staat voor Continu Variabele Transmissie. Dat betekent dat de overbrengingsverhoudingen constant veranderen. In de handgeschakelde, automatische en DSG versnellingsbakken heeft elke versnelling zijn eigen overbrengingsverhouding.

What is the difference between a TH350 and TH400 transmission?

They share the same bolt housing patterns, and often came behind the same engine types. Whereas the TH350 would be found behind a lower performance small-block 350 Chevelle, the TH400 would be the transmission that came with the 454 SS. The TH400 also found itself in many heavy duty trucks and vans.

What is the difference between the Turbo 350 and 400?

The Turbo 350 weights 150pounds while a Turbo 400 weighs almost 170. Which one is right for you? If you are going to buy a stock transmission and know it’ll fit in your vehicle, without a doubt the TH400 is the way to go.

Should I be worried about the power consumption of TH400?

There is a lot more to power consumption than the weight of the trans or it’s internals. I can say that most guys who are worried about it, aren’t going fast enough to be concerned, and those that are going fast enough to concerned need a TH400 in most cases.

What happened to the Ford Turbo 400?

The Turbo 400 formally died in 1986 when it was renamed the 3L80. The Turbo 350 works exceptionally well with modestly powered cars, but the more durable Turbo 400 is better equipped for high-performance vehicles.

Wat is de beste automatische transmissie?

de beste automaat die nu bestaat is de 8hpxx automaat van zf. die kun je vinden in een jaguar, audi, bmw, alfa romeo, enz. misschien kunt u een wagen vinden met de 8hp automaat.

Wat is het verschil tussen DSG en automaat?

Een normale automatische versnellingsbak schakelt met behulp van één koppeling naar een andere versnelling. Maar de DSG schakelt naar een andere koppeling. De ene koppeling voorziet in de even versnellingen, de andere koppeling voorziet in de oneven versnellingen.