Wat zijn Irregulaire antistoffen in bloed?

Wat zijn Irregulaire antistoffen in bloed?

Irregulaire antistoffen zijn normaal niet in het bloed aanwezig. Het zijn afweerstoffen tegen andere bloedgroepen dan A en B. Ze kunnen ontstaan na een bloedtransfusie of na een zwangerschap.

Why are the Rh blood group antigens so complicated?

The complexity of the Rh blood group antigens begins with the highly polymorphic genes that encode them. There are two genes, RHD and RHCE, that are closely linked. Numerous genetic rearrangements between them has produced hybrid Rh genes that encode a myriad of distinct Rh antigens.

Which RH alloantibodies cause hemophagocytosis (HDN)?

Other Rh alloantibodies that are capable of causing severe HDN include anti-c (7, 8), which clinically is the most important Rh antigen after the D antigen. Moderate disease can be caused by anti-Cw(9) and anti-Cx (10).

What are hybrid Rh antigens?

There are two genes, RHD and RHCE, that are closely linked. Numerous genetic rearrangements between them has produced hybrid Rh genes that encode a myriad of distinct Rh antigens.

What does it mean if you are Rh negative?

Although Rh positive is the most common blood type, having a Rh-negative typing does not indicate illness and usually doesn’t affect your health. Why Is Rh Factor Important?

Irregulaire antistoffen zijn normaal niet in het bloed aanwezig. Het zijn afweerstoffen tegen andere bloedgroepen dan A en B. Ze kunnen ontstaan na een bloedtransfusie of na een zwangerschap. Soms hebben zwangeren afwijkende antistoffen zonder duidelijke oorzaak.

What is the Duffy antigen?

The Duffy antigen is located on the surface of red blood cells, and is named after the patient in which it was discovered. The protein encoded by this gene is a glycosylated membrane protein and a non-specific receptor for several chemokines.

What do we know about the Duffy blood group?

Very important progress has been made over the last years in understanding the Duffy blood group system and its complexity. The Duffy blood group antigen serves not only as blood group antigen, but also as a receptor for a family of proinflammatory cytokines termed chemokines, and as a receptor for Plasmodium vivax malaria parasites.

What is Duffy antigen in lung transplantation rejection?

The Duffy antigen has been implicated in lung transplantation rejection. An increased incidence of Duffy antigen has been reported in patients with multiple myeloma compared with healthy controls. The Duffy antigen is present in the normal pulmonary vascular bed.

What is the association between Duffy antigen receptor and chemokines (DARC)?

^ Voruganti VS, Laston S, Haack K, Mehta NR, Smith CW, Cole SA, Butte NF, Comuzzie AG (September 2012). “Genome-wide association replicates the association of Duffy antigen receptor for chemokines (DARC) polymorphisms with serum monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) levels in Hispanic children”.