Wat is necrotische enteritis?
Necrotiserende enterocolitis (NEC) is een ernstige darmontsteking die gepaard gaat met een verminderde doorbloeding (ischemie) van de darm, waardoor delen van de darm kunnen afsterven (necrose). NEC komt vooral voor bij te vroeg geboren kinderen (prematuren) en pasgeborenen met een heel laag geboortegewicht.
Wat is bacteriele gastro enteritis?
Ernstige buikgriep noemen we ook wel gastro-enteritis: een acute ontsteking van de maag- en darmwand. Gastritis is een maagontsteking, en enteritis is darmontsteking.
What is enteritis necroticans (enteritis necroticans)?
(Enteritis Necroticans; Pigbel; Darmbrand) (See also Overview of Anaerobic Bacteria and Overview of Clostridial Infections .) Clostridial necrotizing enteritis is a mild to severe clostridial infection, which can be fatal if not treated promptly. C. perfringens type C occasionally causes severe necrosis in the small bowel (primarily the jejunum).
What is Clostridial necrotizing enteritis (CNE)?
Clostridial necrotizing enteritis (CNE) is a severe and potentially fatal type of food poisoning caused by a β-toxin of Clostridium perfringens, Type C. It occurs in some developing regions, particularly in New Guinea, where it is known as pig-bel.
How is necrotizing enteritis diagnosed in Enterococcus perfringens?
Necrotizing Enteritis Necrotizing enteritis caused by C. perfringens may be suspected by virtue of the dramatic clinical picture and confirmed by demonstration of C. perfringens type C in the stool or suspect food or demonstration of serum antibody to the beta-toxin of the organism.
What are the treatment options for necrotizing enteritis?
Treatment of clostridial necrotizing enteritis is with parenteral antibiotics (penicillin G, metronidazole). Perhaps 50% of seriously ill patients require surgery for perforation, persistent intestinal obstruction, or failure to respond to antibiotics.