Waar wordt Iridium voor gebruikt?

Waar wordt Iridium voor gebruikt?

Iridium wordt voornamelijk gebruikt in legeringen waar de hardheid van het materiaal belangrijk is. Andere toepassingen zijn: Molecuulstructuren in oled-displays. Smeltkroezen en andere apparaten die tegen hoge temperaturen bestand moeten zijn.

Hoeveel platina is er in de wereld?

Zo wordt er slechts 2.800 ton platina wereldwijd geproduceerd. Daarnaast gebeurt dit ook voornamelijk in regionen waar het momenteel politiek instabiel is. Circa 80% van alle platina productie vindt plaats in Zuid-Afrika en Rusland.

Wat is duurder platina of goud?

Waarom is platina duurder dan goud? Meer dan 1.000 ton goud wordt elk jaar gedolven. Van platina word per jaar slecht 150 ton gedolven. Deze schaarsheid maakt platina meestal duurder dan goud.

What is the hardness of iridium and platinum?

Platinum–iridium alloys are alloys of the platinum group precious metals platinum and iridium . Typical alloy proportions are 90:10 or 70:30 (Pt:Ir). These have the chemical stability of platinum, but increased hardness. The Vickers hardness of pure platinum is 56 HV while platinum with 50% of iridium can reach over 500 HV.

Why combine iridium with platinum?

Why combine iridium with platinum? It gives platinum an even harder-wearing durability. Usually jewelry and rings are often 10% iridium and 90% platinum. Hallmarks that you may find are 10 Irid 90 Plat, 100 Irid 900 Plat, 10% Irid 90% Plat, or other variations. Just a few examples are shown below.

What are the characteristics of 90/10 plat iridium?

The alloy 90/10 plat iridium, containing 10 per cent iridium, has very good all round manufacturing characteristics: it can be cast, welded, machined and stamped; it is ductile and malleable; can be hardened through working; and does not readily oxidize.

What is the difference between platinum and platinum-iridium?

You can learn more about this topic in the related articles below. Platinum–iridium, alloy of platinum containing from 1 to 30 percent iridium, used for jewelry and surgical pins. A readily worked alloy, platinum–iridium is much harder, stiffer, and more resistant to chemicals than pure platinum, which is relatively soft.

Why is iridium used in ppt/Ir alloy?

Pt/Ir alloy has an optimal combination of mechanical and electrochemical properties for this application. Pure iridium is very difficult to pull into small diameter wires; at the same time, platinum has a low Young’s modulus which makes pure platinum wires bend too easily during insertion into nervous tissue.
