Hoe stek je Schefflera?

Hoe stek je Schefflera?

Dat doe je middels een zogenaamde kopstek: het bovenste stuk van de plant. Knip de top uit de plant met daaraan twee bladeren/zijtakken. Zet de stek in water of in vochtige aarde. Liefst doe je dit in het voorjaar als de plant al lekker klaar is om te groeien.

Welke kruiden zijn giftig voor katten?

Kruiden. Knoflook, uien en basilicum zijn door de geur niet perse uitnodigend voor een kat om er van te snoepen. Dat is maar goed ook, want deze kruiden bevatten veel zwavelverbindingen en die kunnen dan weer bij katten de rode bloedlichaampjes aanvallen en zelfs vernietigen.

Is my Schefflera a tree or a plant?

Ask the Expert: Help with my Schefflera, please! Actually, I was told that my plant isn’t a traditional Schlefflera, but in the same genus. It has a long, skinny trunk (I guess you could call it), and then the leaves bloom out at the top — like a tree.

What is wrong with my office dwarf Schefflera?

We have an office dwarf schefflera that has developed some sort of spore-like fungus. We’ve had the plant for about 4 months, and the fungus has only recently started to become visible and a problem. The spores cover leaves and stalks/branches, and are white-grey in color. They seem to kill younger buds more easily. They simply wilt and die.

Why are my Schefflera leaves floppy?

If your plant is leggy and leaves are floppy, you may need to change its position for it to get more light to see if things improve. A good watering schedule is crucial to keep your schefflera plants healthy. This is a drought-tolerant plant, so when watering, make sure the soil is dry. With this plant, you need to watch out to avoid overwatering.

Can you grow Schefflera indoors?

Schefflera plants are evergreen tropical plants that are available in many varieties including some dwarf varieties. Due to the shape of its leaves, the plant is also known as the ‘Umbrella Tree’. The plant is easy to grow indoors, although you will miss out on its beautiful blooms as the plant is known not to flower indoors.