Waar parkeer je je auto in Venetië?
De eerste optie is de parkeerplaats Autorimessa Comunale AVM – Porto di Venezia. Deze parkeergarage met 6 verdiepingen is de grootste in het centrum van Venetië. De garage is 24 uur per dag geopend en je betaalt minimaal het dagtarief. De tweede optie is de Garage San Marco – Haven van Venetië op de Piazzale Roma.
Is Venetië veilig?
Venetië is voor een toeristische stad relatief veilig. Zware criminaliteit, drugsoverlast en geweldsdelicten zijn geen dagelijkse kost in Venetië. Helaas is zakkenrollerij dat nog steeds wel. Als toerist moet je dus op je hoede zijn en voorzichtig met je waardevolle spullen omgaan.
Can you drive a car in Venice?
However, you cannot drive your car here in Venice. You can get to Venice via a car but you must leave it at a car lot or in the garage. Proceed to enjoy the amazing city of Venice through canals and boats. Though there are limited cars and roads in Venice, it serves as a major tourist attraction in Italy.
What is the effect of no cars in Venice?
The effect of no cars in Venice is seen on the dramatic effect it has on the paces of people here. They walk at their own speed. Whenever there is nothing to be cautious about along the streets, either to catch the green light or to catch a water taxi, residents walk lazily. There are numerous tourists who walk around the city admiring its beauty.
Where is the Tronchetto parking garage in Venice?
ABOVE: The Tronchetto parking garage is on an artifical island. It accommodates cars, RVs, and buses. Chances are, you’ll be approaching Venice on the A4 Autostrada from the north or south. (If you’re driving in on the A27 from Trieste, you’ll merge with the A4 a few kilometers north of Mestre.)
How to get around Venice?
The boat busses which are commonly referred to as Vaporetti have specific routes that can help you explore the beauty of Venice and they can also connect you with neighboring islands. If you can afford it, the water taxis are available to take you to your preferred destination faster and safer.